Palazzo Pretorio
Location picture
Michelin Guide
Civil and military monument
The Michelin Guide's review
With its architecture that is part Romanesque, part Gothic, the former residence of the "captain of the people" (holder of executive power in the Middle Ages) dominates the charming Piazza del Comune. It houses the Museo di Palazzo Pretorio and its fine collection of 14C and 15C Tuscan polyptychs by Bernardo Daddi, Lorenzo Monaco and Filippo Lippi. The museum also has on show the restored "Mercatale Tabernacle", a fresco inside a vault adorned with grotesque figures, that was painted by Filippino Lippi, son of Filippo.
Practical information
+39 0574 193 4996
Piazza del Comune
59100 Prato
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