
1. Map credits

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The following copyright notice applies to the use of Administrative Area: © 2006 – 2016 TomTom. All rights reserved. Adapted from Statistics Canada: Boundary Files, 2011 Census: Census Population and Dwelling Count Highlight Tables, 2011. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product.
The following copyright notice applies to the use of Post- FSA layer and 6-digit layer: © 2006 – 2016 TomTom. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned or licensed to TomTom. The product includes information copied with permission from Canadian authorities, including © Canada Post Corporation, All rights reserved. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a License Agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material
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The following copyright notice applies to the use of Telecommunications: © 2016 Pitney Bowes. All rights reserved.” In addition, for the following product layers Wire Center Boundaries, ILEC Boundaries, and Rate Center Boundaries, the following also applies: “This product contains information and/or data of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. (Telcordia) licensed to be included herein.
Canada, United States and MexicoThe following copyright notice applies to the use of TomTom Traffic: Portions of the data have been provided by Total Traffic & Weather Network, a division of iHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc. © 2016. Total Traffic & Weather Network, a division of iHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.
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MacaoMacao Special Administrative Region Government – Cartography and Cadastre Bureau
MaltaThis product includes data from Mapping Unit, Malta Environment and Planning Authority and licensed on behalf of them” or “© Mapping Unit, Malta Environment and Planning Authority
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2. Other map credits

3. Traffic information credits

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4. Weather credits

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5. Photography credits

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6. Contributor credits

The editorial content of the Sites and Applications is taken in part from Michelin Travel Partner publications, and the rest comes from specific contributions. Contributors to the “History and Culture” section of the Michelin Travel Site and Application are listed below:


  • South Africa: Jean-Moïse Braitberg, Vincent Garrigues, Mathieu Guillochon, Florence Picquot, Emmanuelle Souty
  • Germany: Aurélia Bollé, Nadia Bosquès, Cécile Bouché-Gall, Jocelyn Bouraly, Clarisse Bouillet, Tiphaine Cariou, Roswitha Chéret, Aude Flicoteaux, Serge Guillot, Michael Hertlein, Guylaine Idoux, Anne-Claire Juramie, Philippe Longin, Elise Pinsolle, Régis Présent-Griot, Marie Ruat, Philippe Vouillon, François Zaninotto
  • Argentina: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Luc Decoudin, Françoise Klingen, François Sichet
  • Australia: Fabienne Darmostoupe
  • Austria: Cécile Bouché-Gall, Clarisse Bouillet, Aurélia Boulet, Tiphaine Cariou, Roswitha Chéret, Renaud Deschamps, Michael Hertlein, Arnaud Léonard, Marie Ruat, François Sichet
  • Bahamas: Florence Picquot
  • Belgium and Luxembourg: Béatrice Brillion, Sandra Darbé, Bram De Vos (© Editions LANNOO SA), Dirk De Moor & Johan Van Praet (© Read me – a content company), Renaud Deschamps, François Sichet, Julien Van Remoortere
  • Brazil: Cécile Baillargeat, Sue Chester, Fabienne Darmostoupe, Françoise Dupont, Jane Egginton, Gilles Guérard, Huw Hennessy, Françoise Klingen, Philippe Lansac, Linda Lee, John Malathronas, Carlos-Eduardo Pinho, Virginia Rigot-Müller, Jérôme Saglio, Milly Salem, Norma Tait
  • Bulgaria: Pierre Plantier, Ilan Klipper
  • Cambodia: Florence Picquot, Odile George
  • Canada: John G. Anderson, Gwen Cannon, Marylène Duteil, Alexandra Forterre, Gilles Guérard, Laurence Michel, Cynthia Ochterbeck, Pataud-Celerier, Delphine Storelli, © Michelin Apa Publications (Ltd)
  • Chile: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Odile George
  • China: Gautier Battistella, Florent Bonnefoy, Geneviève Clastre, Hervé Deguine, Clélie Dudon, Françoise Dupont, Serge Guillot, Pierre Guitton, Victoria Jonathan, Hervé Kerros, Florence Picquot, Thierry Sanjuan
  • South Korea: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Florence Picquot
  • Costa Rica: Catherine Ianco, Florence Picquot
  • Croatia: Christine Legrand, Pierre Plantier, Alexandra Forterre, Mathieu Guillochon, Nathalie Rouveyre-Scalbert, François Sichet
  • Cuba: Eva Cantavenera, Sophie Debreil, Florence Dyan, Pierre Guitton, Michel Fonovich, Marion Lemerle, Florence Picquot
  • Denmark: Mélanie Cornière, Elisabeth Morris, Pierre Plantier, Jérôme Saglio, Delphine Storelli, Olivier Truc
  • Dubai: Laure Péraudin,Florence Picquot
  • United Arab Emirates: Laure Péraudin, Florence Picquot
  • Egypt: Archipel Studio, Audrey Rojkoff, Julie Wood, Laurent Gontier, Laurence Michel, Florence Picquot
  • Spain: Martin Angel, Christine Barrély, Béatrice Brillion, Carole Delporte, Alexandra Forterre, María Luisa Galván, Arnaud Gourmand, Carmen Herrán, Guylaine Idoux, Hervé Kerros, Sarah Larrue, Mélanie Lemaire, Carlos Magro, Matilde Miñón, Claire Nillus, Florence Picquot, Pierre Plantier, Natacha Sardou, Sarah Sergent, Delphine Talvat, Catherine Zerdoun
  • USA: Christine Barrely, Dominique Camus, Catherine Cohen, Anita Conrade, Juliette Dablanc, Lucie Dejouhanet, Alexandra Forterre, Aude Gandiol, Caroline Hugon, Victoria Jonathan, Christine Legrand, Laurence Michel, Mathilde Piton, Nicolas Peyroles, Thierry Quintrie-Lamothe, Pierre Sans, Catherine Zerdoun, Anne-Marie Scott © Michelin Apa Publications (Ltd)
  • Finland: Jean-Claude Saturnin, Elisabeth Sevo
  • France: Ur Apalategi, Sabrina Bailleul, Martin Balédent, Christine Barrely, Sophie Bentot, Marie-Claude Berger, Nadia Bosquès, Hélène Bouchoucha, Cécile Bouché-Gall, Aymar de la Bretesche, Catherine Brett, Béatrice Brillion, Isabelle Bruno, Séverine Cachat, Sylvie Chambadal-Kempler, Geneviève Clastre, Aurélie Croiziers, Juliette Dablanc, Marie-Anne Damase, Marie Delbès, Léa Delpont, Thérèse Demont, Frédéric Denhez, Clarisse Deniau, Michel Doussot, Marylène Duteil, Sandrine Favre, Baptiste Fillon, Alexandra Forterre, Sophie Fréret-Pothier, Florent Gaillard, Jean-Louis Gallo, Aude Gandiol, Isabelle Gaudino, Christine Gelot-Bray, Laurent Gontier, René Grimaud, Arnaud Gourmand, Justine Guilbaud, Serge Guillot, Guylaine Idoux, Iker Ilosegi, Sylvie Kempler, Hervé Kerros, Françoise Klingen, Anath Klipper, Claude Labat, Corinne Langlois, Alice Lay, Véronique Le Bris, Hélène Le Tac, Annabelle Lebarbé, Emmanuelle Maisonneuve, Laurence Michel, Hervé Milon, Véronique Molin, Denis Montagnon, Aulde Moreau, Michel Moussot, Sybille d’Oiron, Philippe Orain, Laurence Ottenheimer, Pakea, Hélène Payelle, Béatrice Peyret-Vignals, Florence Picquot, Pierre Plantier, Caroline Rabourdin, Jean-Claude Renard, Amélie Renaut, Lise de Rocquigny de Montmarin, Sandrine Salier, Manuel Sanchez, Jean-Emmanuel Sceau, Fabien Spillmann, Thierry Théault, Magali Triano, Amaury de Valroger, Jacques Vernier, Stéphanie Vinet, Philippe Vouillon, Julie Wood, Catherine Zerdoun
  • UK: Mélanie Des Monstiers, Laurent Gontier, Anath Klipper, Hélène Le Tac, Elisabeth Morris, Pierre Plantier, Sarah Sergent, François Sichet, Sophie Tesson, Guillaume d’Oléac d’Ourche, Ronald Wood, Catherine Zerdoun
  • Greece: Jean-Moïse Braitberg, Eva Cantavenera, Sybille Chevreuse, Françoise Dupont, Serge Guillot, Guylène Ouvrard, Pierre Plantier, Juliette Rolland, Raphaël Braque
  • Guadeloupe: Jean-Moïse Braitberg, Fabienne Darmostoupe, Sandrine Favre, Martine Buysschaert
  • Guatemala: Florence Picquot
  • Hong Kong: Gautier Battistella, Florent Bonnefoy, Geneviève Clastre, Hervé Deguine, Clélie Dudon, Françoise Dupont, Serge Guillot, Victoria Jonathan, Hervé Kerros, Thierry Sanjuan
  • Hungary: Sabine Bouvet, Juliette Dablanc, Anath Klipper, Jean-Claude Saturnin
  • India: Elisabeth Cautru, Odile George, Philippe Longin, Joseph Perrin, Florence Picquot, Catherine Pommier
  • Indonesia: Catherine Bourzat, Gilles Guérard, France Lane, Marion Lemerle, Philippe Pataud Célérier, Florence Picquot, Tiphaine Saint-Criq
  • Ireland: Christine Barrely, Jean-Moïse Braitberg, Mélanie Cornière, Alexandra Didier, Serge Guillot, Luc Decoudin, Gaëlle Redon, Claire Moreau-Shirbon, Magali Triano
  • Iceland: Catherine Ianco, Florence Picquot
  • Italy: Andrea Aiello, Nadia Bosquès, Martine Buysschaert, Eva Cantavenera, Elisabeth Cautru Marie-Isabelle Corradi, Alexandra Forterre, Sara Fredaigue, Serge Guillot, Anne Kanjounzeff, Hélène Le Tac, Philippe Longin, Manuela Magni, Maura Marca, Denis Montagnon, Muriel Morelli, Emilie Morin, Véronique Nègre, Guylène Ouvrard, Philippe Pataud Célérier, Sophie Pietri, Mélanie Rebillaud, Jean-Claude Renard, Thérèse Rocher, Juliette Rolland, Jores Rossetti, Giacomo Serra, Frédéric Sicamois, Julie Wood, Erica Zane
  • Kenya: Florence Picquot
  • Japan: Etienne Barral, Claire-Akiko Brisset, Jean-Michel Butel, Fabienne Darmostoupe, Bernard Delmas, Patrick Duval, Pierre Guitton, Masayuki Inoue, Hélène Kelmachter, Michael Lucken, Gilles Maucout, Jean-François Mesplède, Françoise Moréchand, Philippe Pataud Célérier, Florence Picquot, Philippe Pons, Jérôme Saglio, Stephen Sarrazin, Manuel Tardits, Christine Vendredi-Auzanneau, Michel Wasserman
  • Laos: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Laure Péraudin
  • Madagascar: Laure Péraudin,Florence Picquot
  • Malaysia: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Marie-Odile Sigayret
  • Mali: Florence Picquot, Marie-Odile Sigayret
  • Malta: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Florence Picquot
  • Morocco: Catherine Brett, Fabienne Darmostoupe, Astrid Lorber, Amélie Padioleau, Pierre Plantier, Emmanuelle Souty, Fabien Spillmann
  • Martinique: Sandrine Favre, Dominique Marlé, Pierre Sommé, Christine Barrely-Legrand, Valérie Esnault, Cécile Gallon, Florence Picquot, Mélanie Rebillaud, Jean-Pierre Reymond
  • Mauritius, Rodrigues: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Catherine Decelle, Sandrine Favre, Marion Lemerle, Jérôme Saglio, Bernard Tournet, Martine Buysschaert
  • Mexico: Catherine Bardon, Elisabeth Cautru, Fabienne Darmostoupe, Françoise Dupont, Florence Dyan, France Lane, Xavier Laporte, Jérôme Saglio, Hervé Valentin, Pascal Windland.
  • Montenegro: Florence Picquot, Marie-Odile Sigayret
  • Norway: Elisabeth Morris, Pierre Plantier, François Sichet, Delphine Storelli
  • New Zealand: Catherine Ianco, Florence Picquot
  • Baltic countries: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Pierre Plantier, Françoise Sichet
  • Netherlands: Mélanie Cornière, Sandra Darbé, Renaud Deschamps, Vincent Folliet, Serge Guillot, Laurence Ottenheimer, François Sichet, Delphine Storelli, Julie Subtil
  • Peru: Cécile Baillargeat, Daniel Duguay, Florence Picquot, Jérôme Saglio
  • Poland: Jean-François Breuiller, Laure Dabo, Arnaud Galy, Laurent Gontier, Arnaud Léonard
  • French Polynesia: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Mélanie Rebillaud
  • Portugal: Célia Bénisty, Philippe Bourget, Jean-Moïse Braitberg, Séverine Cachat, Tiphaine Cariou, Elisabeth Cautru, Françoise Dupont, Michel Fonovitch, Alexandra Forterre, Serge Guillot, Guylaine Idoux, Emmanuelle Lepetit; Valérie Minet, Jérôme Saglio
  • Dominican Republic: Daniel Buisson, Dominique Camus, Mireille Fronty, Gérard Lamoureux, Florence Picquot
  • Czech Republic: Eloïse Adde, Nadia Bosquès, Clarisse Bouillet, Mélanie Cornière, Françoise Dupont, Hervé Kerros, Anath Klipper, Michael Ivory
  • Reunion: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Catherine Decelle, Sandrine Favre, Marion Lemerle, Jérôme Saglio, Bernard Tournet, Martine Buysschaert
  • Romania: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Liliana Dumitrache, Mariana Nae, Pierre Plantier, Gabriella Andrea Serban, François Sichet
  • Russia: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Evguenia Darras, Lucie Godeau, René Guerra, Anne Kanjounzeff, Pierre Plantier
  • Scandinavia: Elisabeth Morris, Pierre Plantier
  • Senegal: Fabienne Darmostoupe
  • Seychelles: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Sandrine Favre, Marion Lemerle, Serge Guillot
  • Singapore: Fabienne Darmostoupe
  • Slovakia: Fabienne Darmostoupe
  • Slovenia: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Marie-Odile Sigayret
  • Sri Lanka: Odile George, Florence Picquot
  • Sweden: Mélanie Cornière, Elisabeth Morris, Pierre Plantier, Jérôme Saglio, Delphine Storelli, Olivier Truc
  • Switzerland: Cécile Gall-Bouche, Damienne Gallion, Vincent Noyoux, Philippe Vouillon, Jean-Claude Saturnin
  • Syria and Jordan: Richard Couëdel, Matthieu Guillochon, Serge Guillot, Hervé Kerros, Florence Picquot, Julie Subtil, Yves Traynard
  • Taiwan: Catherine Ianco, Florence Picquot
  • Tanzania: Fabienne Darmostoupe, Florence Picquot, Mélanie Rebillaud
  • Thailand: Elisabeth CautruMélanie Cornière, Hugues Festis, Anne Lagarde, Delphine Loez, Philippe Longin, Franck Michel, Ngoc Loan Lam, Florence Picquot, Marie-Pierre Renier, Marie-Laure de Saint-Rémy
  • Tunisia: Dominique Barouch, Eric Boucher, Tiphaine Cariou, Michel Dusclaud, Eric Fottorino, Gilles Guérard, Philippe Longin, Clément Mathieu, Florence Picquot, Delphine Storelli, Yves Traynard
  • Turkey: Laurence Ammour, Laurent de Chavagnac, Richard Couëdel, Jean-Louis Gallo, Geneviève Goulieux, Gilles Guérard, Mathieu Guillochon, Serge Guillot, Pierre Guitton, Hélène Le Tac, Florence Levillain, Ariane Magnin, Florence Picquot, Marie-Pierre Renier, Tiphaine Saint-Criq, Pierre-Jean Trombetta, Gautier de Vanssay, François Wong
  • Vietnam: Catherine Bourzat, Hervé Deguine, Sandrine Favre, Gilles Guérard, Hervé Kerros, Ngoc Loan Lam, Philippe Longin, Christophe Perrin, Florence Picquot



  • Brazil: Laurence Correard, Christelle Grignon, Catherine Leterrier, Meei-Huey Wang
  • Canada: Sophie Kollo, Karine Thuillier, Emilie Clément, Carole Couque, Sylvie Canonville, Christelle Nely
  • USA: Sophie Kollo, Karine Thuillier, Emilie Clément, Carole Couque, Sylvie Canonville, Christelle Nely


(version 17.1 – 02/2021)