How can you safely transport your pet by car?

Whether you are picking up a new pet, taking it to the vet or going on holiday with it, there are many occasions when you might need to travel with your pet. Although the Highway Code does have some basic rules to follow, certain measures and common sense is also essential to respect when transporting animals. ViaMichelin reviews the relevant regulations to follow.
How can you safely transport your pet by car?

Transporting animals: what does the law say?

Transporting unrestrained pets in the vehicle puts drivers at risk of potentially deadly distractions. These points should be noted by drivers:

  • Rules 56-58 of the Highway Code refer to animals. In particular, Rule 57 refers to transporting dogs or other animals inside the car.
  • The Highway Code states: “When in a vehicle, make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving or injure you, or themselves, if you stop quickly. A seat belt harness, pet carrier, dog cage or dog guard are ways of restraining animals in cars.”

Pet travel: basic rules

While some dogs and cats do very well in a car, others do not. In all cases, it is advisable to avoid feeding them in the hours before departure and to administer a specific sedative if necessary. On the other hand, the animal must be able to drink regularly, especially if the journey is long and hot. You should also plan to periodically give your pet a break to stretch its legs (always on a lead!) or relieve itself.

As far as safety is concerned, there is only one absolute requirement: no animal should travel unrestrained in the car. It is impossible to predict the reactions of a cat or dog, which may very well become frightened and jump onto the lap of a driver, for example! On the other hand, in the event of an impact, the animal becomes a projectile — all the more dangerous because it is heavy.

How to travel with a dog in the car?

Depending on the size of the dog, there are different ways of transporting a dog safely. A small dog can travel in a suitable crate, possibly with a cushion and/or a water bowl. The crate must be appropriately secured so that it does not fall through the passenger compartment in the event of a sudden brake or impact!

In an estate car or a minivan, the dog can be secured in the boot and isolated from the passenger compartment with a barrier or a net. Available in pet shops, these protective accessories allow the animal to see what is going on and be able to move around when it pleases to, without endangering the occupants of the vehicle.

Finally, there are also special harnesses on the market that are designed to attach directly to the vehicle’s seatbelt. It is important to ensure that the harness fits perfectly so that the dog cannot get out of it.

How do I transport a cat in a car?

For felines, there are two possible solutions: the carrier or the harness, with the same rules for use as it is for dogs. However, as most cats do not tolerate the use of a harness, riding in the boot should be preferable.

Transporting other pets

New pets must also be transported safely. Specialised shops offer suitable transport cages for birds and rodents, but these should be kept away from draughts and direct sunlight (for example, on the floor). Transporting fish and snakes is not recommended: if you have to transport them, it is best to place them in polystyrene boxes (with holes for reptiles).

Regardless of the duration of transport and the species concerned, safety is the key factor when travelling with an animal. This ensures that all occupants of the vehicle arrive at their destination in the best possible condition.