How to store tyres properly?

Good tyre storage practices are important if you want to keep your tyres in great condition. What are the rules to follow and the precautions to take when preparing your tyres for storage? Is it better to store them at home or take them to a professional tyre centre? Here's everything you need to know about how to store tyres in optimal conditions.
How to store tyres properly?

What precautions should you take before storing tyres?

Whether winter is the reason for storage or you want to take advantage of an early purchase discount, you must store unused tyres in conditions that respect the rubber material from which they are made.

To preserve your tyres as much as possible, keep the following precautions in mind when storing them:

  • Consider the position of each tyre when dismounting it so that you can swap the tyre when refitting it.
  • Clean the tyres with lukewarm water and a soft brush to remove gravel and debris from the tread. Carefully dry them with an absorbent cloth to avoid corrosion (do not leave tyres out in the sun, as UV rays can damage rubber).
  • Protect them from dust and moisture by placing each tyre in a protective cover or opaque plastic bags (make sure to release as much air as possible before sealing the bags). This step is not essential, but it is highly advisable if storing the tyres in a room with poor insulation.
  • If you are not using covers and the tyres have ink markings, you can prevent the black rubber from fading by lining them up together.

What is the ideal storage position for tyres?

The ideal storage position can vary, depending on whether your tyres are stored with or without rims:

  • Without rims: tyres should be stored upright. Once a month, turn them over to avoid the risk of sagging. Do not stack them on top of each other or hang them up, as this can cause them to deflate.
  • With rims: stack the tyres or hang them up. However, it is important to rotate them occasionally to prevent them from sagging.

Where to store your tyres

Tyre storage at home

Storing your tyres at home has the advantage of being free of charge. However, you must ensure that you have a suitable place, such as:

  • A secure place with a door: any outdoor storage unit is strongly discouraged, even under a garden shed or awning;
  • Dry and sheltered from light: humidity and UV rays can have a drying effect on the rubber, resulting in cracks;
  • Ambient temperature between 10 and 25° C: in a cold room, cracking can also be expected;
  • Away from ozone sources like fluorescent and mercury vapour lamps: these sources could cause the tyres to harden or crack;
  • Away from solvents and hydrocarbons: these chemical agents are corrosive and can damage the rubber.

Tyre storage services

If you cannot store your tyres at home, you can use a storage service centre. Contact your local garage or a tyre fitting centre. On average, a 6-month storage period will cost around 10 euros per tyre. By entrusting your tyres to a professional storage centre, you benefit from ideal storage conditions and optimise the life of your tyres from season to season.

Good to know: before refitting your tyres after several months of storage, carefully check them to ensure that the sidewalls aren’t cracked, regardless of any precautions you may have taken.

Don’t wait for the season to change before you make arrangements to store your tyres. Find a dedicated space for them in a suitable garage or shed, or contact your nearest professional tyre storage centre.