How to clean the dashboard in your car?

With a combination of plastic and electronic components, the dashboard in your car can become a dust bath if you don't clean it regularly. However, you can restore its original shiny appearance through regular maintenance and a few simple steps, which will make your car much more enjoyable to drive. Read how you can do this below.
How to clean the dashboard in your car?

What equipment do you need?

You can use a microfibre cleaning cloth, a little warm water and an old toothbrush to polish. White vinegar is useful for shining some parts, and you can use a little olive oil to clean the others. Using natural products is best since they are environmentally friendly and because some chemicals will damage plastics. If you prefer to use a commercial spray or cream, always test it on an inconspicuous part first.

What precautions should you take?

It’s best to clean your dashboard in a shaded area. Don’t think you’ll be able to see dirt better in the light. Firstly, if light shines directly on certain parts, it can obscure the dirt that’s presently on your dash. Secondly, strong sunlight will dry your dashboard in no time, leaving you with no time to rinse. It may also leave behind unwanted marks! Another precaution is to spray products onto a cloth instead of directly on your paint. Doing this will help prevent damaging electric parts.

What steps should you follow?

Start by dusting off the entire dashboard. Be sure to moisten the microfibre cloth so that dust doesn’t cling to it. You can dilute a few drops of washing-up liquid for this, but clean water is sufficient. If the dashboard is very dirty, use a hoover with a small brush to remove most of the dust and finish cleaning it with a cloth. Mix a solution of warm water and white vinegar to clean the display screens. You can use a cotton swab to clean around buttons and the edges of the screen.

And finally!

Once the dashboard is free of dirt, feed it with a dry cloth soaked in olive oil to finish the job. Use only a small amount of oil (the equivalent of half a cork) for the entire dashboard so that you don’t turn this trick into a dustbuster. Not only does this treatment make plastic shine, but it will also make it much easier to remove the dust next time. You can also use a nourishing cream from a specialist shop.

What should you avoid?

It is recommended to avoid using alcohol-based chemicals and abrasive sponges. Do not use spray cleaners near electric components, as it can cause them damage. It is also best not to use solutions with strong fragrances to clean your dashboard. It may have a pleasant scent the first time you apply the product. However, it can turn into an unpleasant odour over time, which could interfere with your concentration while driving. Finally, take advantage of this cleaning session by checking all the parts on your dashboard to ensure everything is in good working order. If not, use this opportunity to replace any defective parts.

Prevention is better than cure: don’t wait until your dashboard gets dull and dusty before giving it some maintenance. A quick cleaning once a week will help prevent dirt from settling in. You’ll have more fun driving in a clean car.